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Joy Hardiman



My Story

Thank you for taking the time to read my Scentsy Story, all though my story is very long .....I will try to fill you in on all the detils as quickly as I can.  I became a Scentsy Consultant the tail end of November, 2009, became an Independent Director in April of 2010.  How I became a Director well that is where my story begins...I am a Scentsy Wickless Candle addict..I admit it...I tell everybody I see about my amazing product & well...they buy it, I order it & can't wait for UPS to deliver it.......ok, so I dont wait, I have every UPS driver cell number in my cell phone & starting 9AM I am calling to find out who has my Scentsy & where I can meet him LOL, my customers know that I am just as anxious to get thier Scentsy to them as they are anxious to get their hands on it, my customers are most important to me because without them I wouldn't have my Scentsy Business :) not to mention so many of those customers have now decided to join my Scentsy Team....oh my Scentsy Team...almost forgot to tell you, when I became a Director just 1 year & 10 months ago I had three consultants on my team, to date I have 104 Team Members!!! I don't know how my team grew so fast because honestly, I did not recruit them...  I either did a party for them & I had a blast & made some extra money, or they did a book party for me & I made sure I got all the product to them as fast as I could, never does a Scentsy box sit in my house for one day unpacked, it's packed & delivered in the same day...any way, these same customers would ask me how hard it is to become a Scentsy Consultant, I would tell them them less than 10 minutes to sign up, you will have your kit in a week or less & I will be here to help you every step of the way...they would always tell me that they want to Love their job the way I do....I tell them I can definately help them do that with the awesome product that Scentsy gives us to share with the World...The sky is the limit with Scentsy, I am knocking on the door of my next promotion "Star Director" & I enjoy sharing...(not selling because Scentsy sells itself if you share)...just as much as I did the day my kit arrived in November of 2009.  My husband has been out of work for the past 6 months due to an auto accident, if we didn't have my full time income from my part time job I don't know how we would be surving right now with 4 children, ages 13, 12, 11 & 9....... I stayed at home for 13 years with my children without working at all, now that I have Scentsy I don't ever have to miss a practice, game, concert or leave my kids when they don't feel well....Thank you Scentsy for changing my Life in a way I never expected!!!!  Let me help make a change in your life, whether you are looking to just make a car payment, build a savings account or you need alot of income to catch up & change your way of life, I can help you at the level you need it most.... The Sky Really is the Limit....I always used to say....."If it seems to good to be probably is!!!!"  Now I say....Dare To Dream because Dreams Really Do Come True!!!!! I can't wait to help make your Dream Come True :)

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